
The submission and proposal of bills

The joint signature of more than 10 representatives, the committee, chairman of the provincial autonomy committee (the mayor, the superintendent of education)
Breakdown by type Requisite number of supportive assemblypersons
Municipal regulations and standard bills The joint signature of ten or more members
Motions to amend bills The joint signature of 13 or more representatives
Motions to adapt A two-thirds approval at the time of proposal
Consent The matter can be taken up for discussion with the approval of a consenter and more than one supporter
Changes in the legislative schedule The joint signature of ten or more representatives
A closed-doors session With the proposal of more than three and a two-thirds vote of representatives in attendance. When the chairman feels that it is necessary to preserve the tranquility and order of society.
Demand for the attendance of related public workers he clear elucidation of ten or more representatives
The inspection of a representative's competence At least one fourth of the assemblypersons on the register
Demand for the incarceration of an assemblyperson The chairman, the insulted assemblyperson The consent of ten or more assemblypersons
An investigation into the administrations operations A minimum of one-thirds support from assemblypersons on the registry

Format of Proposed Bills

The name of the bill, the year date and month of the bill, the sponsor of the proposal, reason for the proposal, essential points, matters of reference, the contents of the bill (principle clause, body of the text) old and new principle clauses and provisionals, and a comparison table of old and new principles.